Thursday, April 11, 2013

Mindfullness Meditation

I was introduced to mindfullness meditation tonight... very powerful in using your breathe to reduce the pain of tinnitus, body pain and STRESS. Of course, I didn't leave without any of it but felt so much encouragement to continue to focus on not giving power to to those conditions..Our thoughts are  just thoughts, the less time we spend thinking about tinnitus, or any of our fears, pain, problems in the world, we become healthier.  It is so important to be positive and surround ourselves with positive people. More importantly, giving back is where the healing begins....

I am excited to do this meditation again. Practice, practice, practice....


  1. Great post. Glad to hear you found yet another path toward calm and serenity.

    1. Thank you Baldylocks. I pray the same for you and the path that you are on with MondoBaldo. You have encouraged me to continue to do things that I believe in. What you are doing with Bald and Proud, makes me proud to be part of your journey! Well, I am on the board, you know? LOL. It feels so strong in my heart and soul...we must be patient and let God have His hand in all of it. His will be done.I love my Bald Power shirt. It gives me Tinnitus Power! Thank you! D
