Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Reminder of Tinnitus Awareness Week

Tinnitus Awareness Week is May 19-25. The ATA's resource center for TAW:

Please check it out.

This past weekend was very stressful for me, Mother's Day became a day filled with emotions and anxiety. I noticed that my tinnitus got really loud and moved into the other ear! OMG, I panicked. I knew I had to de-stress with meditation, walk on the beach and pray for silence. I drank lots of water all day; thankfully it calmed down. Today it is a whisper. I am so thankful for God, yoga and good nutrients. Tinnitus definitely elevates when our emotions take over. I am grateful for the awareness and having tools in my box to help me when these situations occur.

Pain is inevitable, misery is optional.

Please get as much information as you can and share it with all of us suffering from this awful NOISE!



Thursday, May 9, 2013

Stress and Tinnitus

Good morning,

I notice today that my Tinnitus is louder. I realize that I have had some stress in the past two days and that the noise in my ear has intensified significantly.

I took a walk on the beach this morning, hoping that  the sound of the ocean would bring some serenity and quietness. I am looking forward to spending today being gentle with myself and surrendering all the things I cannot control. God is in control anyway!

Please remember that Tinnitus Awareness Week is May 19-25.


Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Is Tinnitus a side effect of Meniere's Disease?

Here is the link for Kristin. Kristin Chenoweth has come out in the past few days and noted that she has Meniere's Disease. One of the most common side effects of Meniere's is Tinnitus.

Kristin is thinking maybe that it had something to do with an accident when she fell and hit her head. Tinnitus is caused by noise exposure, but a little known fact is that the second leading cause of tinnitus is head and neck injuries which could be contributing to her condition.

I hope this information is helpful. Today my noise is very minimal. I am grateful just for today to be able to share my experience, strength and hope!

Peace, love and joy,
