Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Peace calms Tinnitus!

Good morning,

My heart goes out to everyone in Boston today...why do we need these reminders of how precious life is. My tinnitus has been off the charts lately but a funny thing happened as I was praying for peace in our world before I went to bed last night, the noise got softer in my ear. An amazing sense of gratitude for my life actually calmed my tinnitus. I wasn't thinking about it. My thoughts were filled with awareness of  how important it is to treat each moment with love, tenderness, kindness, selflessness.  How true it is when we get out of self, our lives become better, the symptoms of our health and depression seem to diminish as we surrender people, places and things to God

The stress lightens up when we pray and let go of our resentments for tinnitus, or for whatever occupies space in our heads. Not easy, but simple!

I am truly grateful for the love and kindness that surrounds me. I am grateful for being able to share my thoughts and my journey with all of you. If I stuff them, they will come out sideways!

Today I am having a session in cranial sacral therapy. It was a suggestion made to me from someone who suffers from tinnitus and has had success in doing it. I will keep you posted!

I wish you all a blessed day filled with peace, love and joy!


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