Sunday, June 2, 2013

Recently, I met someone who has had tinnitus for several years. He said he got it from a loud noise. He also shared with me that changing his diet has substantially reduced the loudness in his ear. He eats "Plant Food". Basically no meat, chicken or fish. Lots of veggies, eggs, fruit, grains and cheese. No caffiene or alcohol.

I think I will try it! If anyone has a special diet or method of reducing the noise, please share? It is so important to have support and to know we are not alone.

I really enjoy writing about my journey with tinnitus. It is very therapeutic for me to share my experiences, feelings and thoughts with others.

The angels are singing...




  1. My husband has done very well on the Paleo diet. He tested for gluten intolerance first. Has had nearly 20 years. I think the diet helps by helping him sleep better. He's also started paying attention to his vitamin D levels.

  2. Thank you so much for sharing. Twenty years! I have had tinnitus for nine years now...I am still trying different things. I appreciate the information. God Bless and much hope for silence!


    Denise Capriati

  3. Hello Denis
    it's so nice to share such feelings seeking for support people always do exist for each other
    i'm a physician audiologist & vestibular therapist from Egypt

    on my own the best way to get cured from tinnitus is to act like tinnitus is cool and you're okay with that !
    if you got new refrigerator in your kitchen it gonna make noise all day time and now way to spend night in the room next to the kitchen, simply you wouldn't be able to sleep
    but days pass and it becomes so familiar even you can sleep in the kitchen !
    The brain has the ability to reassure itself and cancel it

    i know that not all the people can do it and sometimes get sleep troubles and insomnia as well
    But me my self got tinnitus two years ago and it was terrible until i started tinnitus retraining program :
    1- act like it's cool
    2- drink sufficient amount of water
    3- salt restriction
    4- frequent listen to FM noise in order reassure my brain it's okay didn't get the worst noise ever
    5- don't go to bed unless i'm done and ready to sleep
